Painful Peripheral Neuropathy Specialist

Interventional Spine Medicine
Pain Management Specialists located in Barrington, NH & Rye, NH
If you have painful peripheral neuropathy, you live with unpleasant sensations in your feet, legs, hands, and arms. At Interventional Spine Medicine in Barrington, Gilford, Rye, Plaistow, and North Hampton, New Hampshire, Jan Slezak, MD, and Asteghik Hacobian, MD, diagnose peripheral neuropathy and offer customized treatment plans to relieve your pain and restore your quality of life. Call Interventional Spine Medicine today to learn about your treatment options for painful peripheral neuropathy.
Painful Peripheral Neuropathy Q&A
What is painful peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is a painful condition that occurs when your peripheral nerves are damaged. Your peripheral nerves branch out from your spine and extend throughout your body.
These nerves control your ability to feel sensations, move your body, and regulate body functions like digestion, blood pressure, and respiration.
In addition to pain, neuropathy can cause other symptoms, including:
- Numbness
- Tingling and electrical sensations
- Severe sensitivity to touch
- Pain from activities that shouldn’t be painful, like standing
- Lost coordination
- Muscle weakness
Neuropathy usually gets worse and more disruptive when left untreated. Fortunately, the doctors at Interventional Spine Medicine offer customized treatments to relieve your pain and other symptoms.
What causes painful peripheral neuropathy?
Diabetes is the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy. When your blood sugar levels are continuously elevated, it damages your nerves, causing neuropathy.
Autoimmune conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can also cause peripheral neuropathy. Traumatic injuries, vitamin deficiency, infections, and tumors can also cause nerve damage.
How is painful peripheral neuropathy diagnosed?
At Interventional Spine Medicine, the doctors provide thorough exams and testing to diagnose painful peripheral neuropathy.
They review your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. They perform standard neurological tests to check your reflexes, muscle strength, and your ability to feel specific sensations. They also test your posture and balance.
Your doctor might also order blood tests, imaging exams, and nerve function tests. Electromyography and nerve conduction studies help your doctor locate and evaluate damage that affects your neurological function.
How is painful peripheral neuropathy treated?
The doctors at Interventional Spine Medicine provide personalized treatment plans to alleviate your pain and restore your function.
Depending on your condition, they might prescribe medication, including pain relievers, anti-seizure medicine, and antidepressants, as well as topical treatments to alleviate your symptoms.
Your doctor might also suggest spinal cord stimulation to block abnormal pain signals. In some cases, radiofrequency ablation can be used to create a lesion that stops pain signals.
You might also benefit from physical therapy to improve your balance, strength, and flexibility. Physical therapy can help reduce your pain as well as your risk of falling or having another accident because of your painful peripheral neuropathy.
If you have painful peripheral neuropathy symptoms, call Interventional Spine Medicine today.
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